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Today we call them "cars", and how they were called before

What we today call “cars” or “cars” has existed for more than a century. We use these names, and do not know others, but things could be much worse. Colleagues from Jalopnik traced the history of all manufacturers who began to work on the car. Everyone who used the four wheels and the engine to move, gave the invention its name.

Everyone who used the four wheels and the engine to move, gave the invention its name

In 1897, the headline appeared on the pages of the New York Times: “A new manual carriage with a terrible name, a car came to stay.” As it turned out, the name "car" was not at all so terrible.

In 1792, Oliver Evans filed an application for registration of a patent for a prototype car. He called it Oruktor Amphibolos. It is very good that with such a name it is nothing did not appear .

In 1879, George Selden patented the invention, which was never made. He called it a “road machine,” which is no longer as scary as the Oruktor Amphibolos. Thanks to his patent, he could receive deductions from American car companies. In 1904, Henry Ford summoned George Selden to court. The court decided that in order to receive deductions Selden must make his “road car”, but he could not make it.

The court decided that in order to receive deductions Selden must make his “road car”, but he could not make it

In 1895, the brothers Charles and Frank Durya patented a “motorized trolley”, and in 1896 Henry Ford patented a “quad bike”. Unlike older patents, these have become something more than sketches on paper, but the names that the inventors gave the machines did not take root.

Newspapers had to practice wit and creativity in order to call cars at least somehow. They managed to come up with:

  • Autobine
  • Autokinetic
  • Auto season
  • Motor horse
  • Buggyout
  • Diamot
  • Horseless carriage
  • Mokol
  • Motor carriage
  • Morig
  • Motorcycle
  • Oleo-locomotive
  • Trakl

The word "car" has become only one of a large list. It is difficult to say why we stopped on it, but the headline in the New York Times played a huge role. It is believed that the author of the word can be called the Italian artist and inventor named Martini, who in the 1300s drew a cart with four wheels and a man. It was he who combined the Greek word auto (independently) and the Latin word mobils (movement).

Maybe you liked another name for cars? Tell about it in our Telegram chat .

Maybe you liked another name for cars?


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